I'm in a REALLY good mood today. I Think Therefore I Am (thanks KB)
I'm not entirely sure what is on my agenda today, I plan on just tackling the day as it progresses without planning the next step. It hasn't always worked out in "real life" but eh, on a day where there's really nothing to do I think we can all agree an exception can be made. I DO KNOW that I'm going to schedule a pick up for these bags of clothes that made their way into trash bags by the front door but scheduled a strike stating "inclement weather" as the reason behind the lapse in progress. I found the number for the Salvation Army, they open in a couple hours.
Do something that you truly enjoy today. Mondays can be a little depressing after leaving behind that great weekend, awesome lay and killer cosmo. But brighten up, in a little more than four days, you'll be right back at it complaining on Sunday morning how you're "not gonna do that shit again" as you and the porcelain god share a spiritual bonding session. Oh, how I've been there! :D
For my Monday mood mixer, I'm going to have a little photo shoot. I promise a friend I'd help him with a documentary and I've yet to fulfill my duties. I took a couple of shots over the weekend but quickly dismissed them because my eyes were a little puffy. *PARTY* It should be fun, I have finally gotten my idea down and he should be pleased...they will be everything he hoped for...and more if you ask me.
Enjoy today for tomorrow may not come beautiful monster!
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